Thai Red Curry Noodle Soup

I think the last time I wrote about a soup I told you that it was my very favorite one, but the problem was that I hadn’t made this soup yet. And see, while this soup may not be the chicken noodle soup you’re used to, it is every bit as comforting and probably even more delicious. (Or at least I clearly think so.) It’s still full of slurpable, comforting noodles but it’s surrounded by a broth that’s both mildly sweet and spicy and chock full of nourishing veggies and hearty chicken. I’m not one for leftovers but I finished every last drop of this and since this makes a lot, that’s saying a lot.

This doesn’t need a long simmering time to come together so it’s pretty quick to make for such a nourishing soup. You just start by browning up some sliced chicken breast before sauteeing some carrot, onion, bell pepper, and garlic. Once those have softened, you’ll stir in red curry paste and grated ginger, along with some coconut milk and chicken broth. Don’t have curry paste on hand? It’s worth picking some up to try out this recipe – it’s versatile and keeps for a long time.

