Pumpkin Fat Spice Bombs

Prep. time: 5 minutes / Cook time: 10 minutes / Serves

8 oz. Raw cashews
4 oz. Raw macadamia nuts
4 oz. Coconut chips
3 fl. oz. Pumpkin puree

2 tbsp. MCT oils
2 tsp. Cinnamon, ground
2 tsp. Ginger, ground
Neutral oil (avocado oil)

  1. Put all the i ngredi ents in a food processor and mi x to form
    a dough.
  2. Lightl y grease your hands with neutral oil, such as avocado
    oil. Usi ng a spoon, take about 3.5 -4 oz. of the batter into
    lightl y oil ed hands and form a ball. Postpone and repeat the
    process (about 9 “bombs” in total ).
  3. Decorate fat bombs with savory coconut chi ps.
  4. Such fatty bombs can be eaten i mmediatel y, or stored in a
    refri gerator / freezer.

Calories: 217. Fat: 19 g. Protein: 5 g. Carbs: 5

Source: The-Complete-Keto-Diet-for-Beginners


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