Homemade French Onion Dip

There is one thing that all of my friends know about me and it is this — if there is an occasion where chips and dip are welcome, I’m bringing French Onion Dip. Always. Whether it’s a party, or camping, or a casual backyard BBQ, it’s perfect snacking and I’ll choose it over chips and salsa any day. I have loved it for as long as I can remember so I’ve had some time to develop some opinions on the matter — they are: I, for whatever reason, do not love the stuff that comes pre-made in a jar or a tub. I do love when you make it from a mix. I prefer two specific brands. And I think it’s best when there is both sour cream and mayo involved.

I know what I like when it comes to French Onion Dip, but I got to thinking, what if I could just easily make it myself? I’ve made from scratch versions involving slowly caramelized onions before… but this is not that. This is a stand-in for that lovely seasoning packet dip, made from a few ingredients you probably have in your pantry, and it tastes just as delicious.

For The Full List Of Ingredients & The Step By Step Instructions Please Click NEXT >> 
