Cheese Fat Bombs in Bacon

Prep. time: 5 minutes / Cook time: 20 minutes / Serves

8 oz. Mozzarella cheese
4 tbsp. Almond flour
4 tbsp. Butter, melted
3 tbsp. Psyllium powder
1 Egg
Salt, to taste

1 tsp. Black pepper
1/8 tsp. Garlic powder
1/8 tsp. Onion powder
20 Bacon, slices
1 cup oil or lard (for frying)

  1. Microwave half the cheese for 45-60 seconds or until it
    melts and becomes sticky.
  2. Heat the butter in the microwave for 15-20 seconds until
    compl etel y melted, then mi x it with cheese and egg.
  3. Add psylli um husks, almond fl our and spices. Mi x again and
    lay out the dough rectangl e.
  4. Fill the rectangle with the rest of the cheese and fol d it in
    hal f (hori zontall y), then in half (verticall y).
  5. Trim the edges and form into a rectangl e. Cut 20 square
  6. Wrap each pi ece of dough with a pi ece of bacon, usi ng
    toothpicks to fasten i t.
  7. Put each pi ece in boili ng oil and cook for 1-3 minutes.

Calories: 93. Fat: 8 g. Protein: 5 g. Carbs: 1

Source: The-Complete-Keto-Diet-for-Beginners


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